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Publisher Technical Publications
Product Format Paper Back
Language Published English
Volume Number --
Number of Pages --
Product ID 9789333219801

Data Structures :

Unit - I : Linear Data Structures - List

Abstract Data Types (ADTs) - List ADT - array -based implementation - linked list implementation - singly linked lists - Circularly linked lists - doubly linked lists - applications of lists - polynomial Manipulation - All operations (Insertion, Deletion, Merge, Traversal). (Chapter - 1)

UNIT - II : Linear Data Structures - Stacks, Queues

Stack ADT - Operations - Applications - Evaluating arithmetic expressions - Conversion of inifx to postfix expression - Queue ADT - Operations - Circular Queue - Priority Queue - deQueue - applications of queues. (Chapters - 2, 3)

UNIT - III : Non Linear Data Structures - Trees 

Tree ADT - tree traversals - Binary Tree ADT - expression trees - applications of trees - binary search tree ADT - Threaded Binary Trees - AVL Trees - B –Tree - B+Tree - Heap - Applications of heap. (Chapter - 4)

UNIT - IV : Non Linear Data Structures - Graphs 

Definition - Representation of Graph - Types of graph - Breadth first traversal - Depth -first traversal - Topological Sort - Bi-connectivity - Cut vertex - Euler circuits - Applications of graphs. (Chapter - 5)

UNIT - V: Searching, Sorting and Hashing Techniques 

Searching Linear Search - Binary Search. Sorting - Bubble sort - Selection sort - insertion sort - Shell sort - Radix sort. Hashing - Hash Functions - Separate Chaining - Open Addressing - Rehashing - Extendible Hashing. (Chapters - 6, 7)