Publisher | Technical Publications |
Product Format | Paper Back |
Language Published | English |
Volume Number | -- |
Number of Pages | -- |
Product ID | 9789333201827 |
Internet Programming :
Unit - I JAVA Programming (Chapters - 1, 2, 3, 4)
An overview of Java - Data types - Variables and arrays - Operators - Control statements - Classes - Objects - Methods - Inheritance - Packages - Abstract classes - Interfaces and inner classes - Exception handling - Introduction to threads - Multithreading - String handling - Streams and I/O - Applets.
Unit - II Websites Basics, HTML 5, CSS 3, WEB 2.0 (Chapters - 5, 6, 7)
Web 2.0 : Basics - RIA Rich Internet Applications - Collaborations tools - Understanding websites and web servers : Understanding internet - Difference between websites and web server - Internet technologies overview - Understanding the difference between internet and intranet; HTML and CSS : HTML 5.0, XHTML, CSS3.
Unit - III Client Side and Server Side Programming (Chapters - 8, 9, 10)
Java script : An introduction to JavaScript - JavaScript DOM model - Date and Objects - Regular expressions. Exception handling. Validation - Built-in objects - Event handling - DHTML with JavaScript. Servlets : Java servlet architecture - Servlet life cycle - Form GET and POST actions - Session handling - Understanding cookies - Installing and configuring Apache Tomcat web server - Database connectivity : JDBC perspectives, JDBC program example - JSP : Understanding Java Server Pages - JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) - Creating HTML forms by embedding JSP code.
Unit - IV PHP and XML (Chapters - 11, 12)
An introduction to PHP : PHP - Using PHP - Variables - Program control - Built-in functions - Connecting to database - Using cookies - Regular expressions ; XML : Basic XML - Document type definition - XML schema DOM and presenting XML, XML parsers and validation, XSL and XSLT transformation, News feed (RSS and ATOM).
Unit - V Introduction to AJAX and Web Services (Chapters - 13, 14)
AJAX : AJAX client server architecture - XMLHttpRequest object - Call back methods ; Web services : Introduction - Java web services basics - Creating, Publishing, Testing and describing a web services (WSDL) - Consuming a web service, Database driven a web service, Database driven web service from an application - SOAP.