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Fundamentals of Data Structures in C [III Semester ECE]

Author: A.A. Puntembekar "III Semester ECE"

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Publisher Technical Publications
Product Format Paper Back
Language Published English
Volume Number --
Number of Pages --
Product ID 9789333219037

Fundamentals of Data Structures in C :

UNIT - I C Programming Basics 

Structure of a C program - Compilation and linking processes - Constants, Variables - Data Types - Expressions using operators in C - Managing Input and Output operations - Decision Making and Branching - Looping statements. Arrays - Initialization- Declaration - One dimensional and Two dimensional arrays. Strings - string operations - String Arrays. Simple programs - Sorting - Searching - matrix operations. (Chapter - 1)

UNIT - II Functions, Pointers, Structures and Unions 

Functions - Pass by value - Pass by reference - Recursion - Pointers - Definition - Initialization - Pointers arithmetic. Structures and unions - definition - Structure within a structure - Union - Programs using structures and Unions - Storage classes, Pre-processor directives. (Chapter - 2)

UNIT - III Linear Data Structures 

Arrays and its representations - Stacks and Queues - Linked lists - Linked list based implementation of Stacks and Queues - Evaluation of Expressions - Linked list based polynomial addition. (Chapters - 3, 4, 5)

UNIT - IV Non-Linear Data Structures 

Trees - Binary Trees - Binary tree representation and traversals - Binarty Search Trees - Applications of trees. Set representations - Union - Find operations. Graph and its representations - Graph Traversals. (Chapters - 6, 7)

UNIT - V Searching and Sorting Algorithms 

Linear Search - Binary Search. Bubble Sort, Insertion sort - Merge sort - Quick sort - Hash tables - Overflow handling. (Chapters - 8, 9)