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Publisher Technical Publications
Product Format Paper Back
Language Published English
Volume Number --
Number of Pages --
Product ID 9789333202862

Computer Graphics :

UNIT - I Introduction (Chapters - 1, 2, 3)

Survey of computer graphics, Overview of graphics systems - Video display devices, Raster scan systems, Random scan systems, Graphics monitors and workstations, Input devices, Hard copy devices, Graphics software; Output primitives - Points and lines, Line drawing algorithms, Loading the frame buffer, Line function, Circle and ellipse generating algorithms, Pixel addressing and object geometry, Filled area primitives.

UNIT - II Two Dimensional Graphics (Chapters - 4, 5)

Two dimensional geometric transformations - Matrix representations and homogeneous co-ordinates, Composite transformations, Two dimensional viewing - Viewing pipeline, Viewing co-ordinate reference frame, Window-to-viewport co-ordinate transformations, Two dimensional viewing functions, Clipping operations - Point, Line and polygon clipping algorithms.

UNIT - III Three Dimensional Graphics (Chapters - 6, 7, 8, 9)

Three dimensional concepts, Three dimensional object representations - Polygon surfaces - Polygon tables - Plane equations - Polygon meshes, Curved lines and surfaces, Quadratic surfaces, Blobby objects, Spline representations - Bezier curves and surfaces - B-spline curves and surfaces. Transformation and Viewing : Three dimensional geometric and modeling transformations - Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Composite transformations, Three dimensional viewing - Viewing pipeline, Viewing co-ordinates, Projections, Clipping, Visible surface detection methods.

UNIT - IV Illumination and Colour Models (Chapters - 10, 11)

Light sources - Basic illumination models - Halftone patterns and dithering techniques, Properties of light - Standard primaries and chromaticity diagram, Intuitive colour concepts - RGB colour model - YIQ colour model - CMY colour model - HSV colour model - HLS colour model, Colour selection.

UNIT - V Animations and Realism (Chapters - 12, 13)

Animation Graphics : Design of animation sequences - Animation function - Raster animation - Key frame systems - Motion specification - Morphing - Tweening. Computer Graphics Realism : Tiling the plane - Recursively defined curves - Koch curves - C curves - Dragons - Space filling curves - Fractals - Grammar based models - Fractals - Turtle graphics - Ray tracing.