Publisher | Arihant Publication |
Product Format | Paper Back |
Language Published | English |
Volume Number | -- |
Number of Pages | 556 |
Product ID | 9789313199298 |
40 Days Biology for NEET [2019-2020]
Preparing NEET 2019 Biology in 40 Days! Day 1: The Living World, Day 2: Plant Kingdom, Day 3: Animal Kingdom, Day 4: Unit Test 1, Day 5: Morphology of Flowering Plants, Day 6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Day 7: Structural Organisation in Animals, Day 8: Unit Test 2 Day 9 Cell: The Unit of Life, Day 10: Biomolecules and Enzymes, Day 11: The Cell Division, Day 12: Unit Test 3, Day 13: Transport in Plants, Day 14: Mineral Nutrition, Day 15: Photosynthesis, Day 16: Respiration in Plants, Day 17: Plant Growth and Development, Day 18: Unit Test 4, Day 19: Digestion and Absorption, Day 20: Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Day 21: Body Fluids and Circulation, Day 22: Excretory Products and Their Elimination, Day 23: Movement and Locomotion, Day 24: Neural Control and Chemical Coordination, Day 25: Unit Test 5, Day 26: Reproduction in Plants, Day 27: Animal Reproduction and Reproductive Health, Day 28: Genetics, Day 29: Molecules Basis of Inheritance, Day 30: Evolution, Day 31: Unit Test 5, Day 32: Biology and Human Welfare, Day 33: Biotechnology Principles and its Applications, Day 34: Organisms and Ecosystem, Day 35: Biodiversity and Wildlife Conservation, Day 36: Environmental Issues, Day 37: Unit Test 8, Day 38: Mock Test 1, Day 39: Mock Test 2, Day 40: Mock Test 3, NEET Solved Papers 2019 (National & Odisha).